
SkyDream is where artistic expression is taken in different directions. No limits exist in art, which is the visual language of expressing dreams and ideas. The creative process is limitless because stretching imaginative thinking results in fascinating and exciting visual outcomes. The particular design of the SkyDream web interface is meant to be vibrant and intuitive, and symbolic of the visionary process.

Like life, the creations are adventures and changing compositions in progress. Everyday events that exist all around us become dreams that motivate the mind. While art is the powerful medium of expression, the inspiration arises from the thousand ideas and thoughts that awaken a creative moment somewhere between this place and somplace else.

Similar to how art is a way of seeing the world, the varied artscapes on this website are a way of peering inside the SkyDream universe. In summary, the visuals might be described as one of exploratory transition and multi-dimensional probing and discovery. Change exists throughout the many aspects of the compositions and within the diverse subject matter. While some visual compositions are manipulations of digital imagery created on computer, other artworks are created in the traditional way using paintbrush and drawing implements.